The signal parameters are almost perfect, so we can save it and after this procedure, we can be quite sure the new signal will be demodulated using any comercial demodulator.
Also, we know the correction factor for the used card in that speed.
As soon as parameters of a sound card in the record channel are received, then it is possible to realize precise measurements of replay( reproduction) channel for sound cards, which have separate record/reproduction channeles.
You can perform these measuremens simply by having connected an output of such card with an input, playingback a known/synthesized signal/file. Measurements should be realized by the technique described above. As the error of the channel of record is already known, it can be easily considered, and there will be only an error of the channel of reproduction/replay/playback.
Function of obtaining of exact value of clock frequency is updated. Now besides obtaining of the clock frequency, the task of obtaining of an optimal position of the signal by frequency is solving. It does automatically translates the triangle in the necessary positive polarity. All that demands some time, so no need to be nervous:-)
Some pauses (till 3-5 seconds) in operation of "Get Br" function are possible, The pauses depend on many factors:
from sampling rate of a signal
from its position on frequency
from the sizes LS and LG etc.
Copying a fragments of the signals as waveform is much more accurate, but has own problems. Impossible to say exactly, from the image of waveform, exist/included a some frequency components in the selected segment or no.
Although the selection of segments from by waveform and is much more accurate, nevertheless, also not an accurate method. Accuracy is limited to one or two samples. In general, the problem is really accurate measurements and actions, is surprisingly/unexpectedly deep and multifaceted task.
Also introduce the possibility of transferring a fragment of the signal directly in the FSK-2 dem, and solves the problem of obtaining "clean" bit stream, in many difficult cases.