воскресенье, 6 декабря 2009 г.

SA update to version OFDM module expansion. Mapping of phase constellation in the channel.

SA update to version

Updates in version are connected with OFDM module.

In this version accuracy of signal's shift by frequency is increased to 0.1 Hertzs.
Possibility to observe phase constellations in selected channel, in absolute and relative corners is added.
Detected errors and minor problems are solved, thanks to users who inform us about them.

For mapping of phase constellation, it is necessary to double-click on required record in the list to turn on this option. It is also nessecary to double-click on any record, in case, if You need to switch off this option. Double-cliques in any area of constellation mapping, clears picture. Constellation is drawning at symbol-by-symbol moving on the signal.

In closest time, the detailed enought tutorial about how to use option of constellation mapping in OFDM module will be published. Necessity of such article, is cauased by the fact, that there is no ability to describe all nuances and features whithin limits of SA update description. Nevertheless, even now it is possible to use this function successfully.

Good luck!