The example of analysis of the real signal.
Analysis of the record of QAM-16 signal.
Analysis of the record of QAM-16 signal.
The example of analysis of the real signal 2008_21_12_fm.wav
The video clip to this article is attached!
The video clip to this article is attached!
The first mandatory step is the testing of the record on suitability for analysis. This step does not guarantee exact diagnostics, and the main objective of the test is the tentative estimation of chances of success. If will be found out, that the record is made with rough disturbances, has strong distortions or was exposed to a compression, then the chances of carrying out of the qualitative analysis are extremely small.

- preliminary, and rough enough estimates, of the spectrum's centre of the signal
- presence and direction of distortion/defect of the spectrum, of spectrum's width and etc
All that can be useful further for specification conclusions and summarys.

Usually, the purpose in the exponentation module in a degree of harmonic's getting, the is to get any possible lines, in case when lines are gotten, the chances to open the signal are very great. Not always quality of the signal or modulation allows to make it, but in our case there are hooks. It is necessary, starting with Suppositions that it is a PSK-like signal to prove a choice of one of frequencies as carrier frequency. Of course, in hard cases, it is necessary to sort out simply all variants, but that does not forbid to prove the first variant somehow. On preliminary "measures" taking, Fc - is defined at level of 1320-1350 Hz, it is logical to make the first, and probably not correct supposition that carrier will be will be somewhere in this area and the choice falls on frequency ~1336.

Much more regular allocation of the spectrum is visible, and besides, the signals of such quality, as a rule, do not call difficulties at the analysis, because practically at once in 12th degree, it is possible to recive value of the carrier, and the ideal constellation on phase plane. But in practice such signals are rare exception, than a rule.
The small video clip is attached to the article. The video clip, where the main course of process of getting of parametres of the signal and its correction is showed.
Good Luck!